Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trader Joe's Employees Must Not Be From NY

Have you ever noticed that all of the Trader Joe's employees have these slightly neutral, cheerful, Southern California-ish accents?  I swear there must be a Trader Joe's school where they teach them to smile, speak in Trader Joe tongue and be overly accommodating.  Everyone there is so darn happy and helpful! The nerve! Don't they know they're in NY? I mean seriously, why must you be so nice? Is it really necessary for you to stand outside in the pouring rain with an umbrella and help me unload all of my grocery bags into my car!?  Must you open a register when the rest are busy and say "Hi Ma'am, I can help you over here!"? Must you make these adorable little "shopper in training" carts so my kids can have fun while grocery shopping??  I mean really - why must you be so nice??  

I love Trader Joe's for a variety of reasons.  The delicious peaches they had over the summer, sweet potato fries, Toasted Oatmeal Flakes Cereal, those mini chocolate chip cookies in a tub, but most of all because the people who work there are seriously some of the most helpful and pleasant people in this area.  Sadly, helpful, competent and pleasant people are hard to come by these days, so when you do run into them, you must take notice and thank them profusely.  My heartfelt thanks to the employees of Trader Joe's for making my shopping experience a pleasant and peaceful one.

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